Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Unable to Install Update for Office 2008 for Mac

If you are trying to install an update for Office 2008 for Mac, and you're getting an error that says, "A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume," keep reading for a possible solution that worked for us....

We had installed Office 2008 for Mac fresh on an iMac with Mac OS X 10.5.4. We then ran auto update, and 12.1.1 updater ran successfully and patched Office. We then ran auto updater again, and it wanted to patch to 12.1.2. This FAILED indicating no volume could be found running the appropriate version, similar to this:

We did the steps below and it worked:

  1. Download the update from MacTopia, instead of letting the Microsoft AutoUpdater download it.
  2. Once the .dmg file is downloaded and mounts as a virtual disk, copy the updater software from the virtual disk over to your desktop, and unmount the virtual disk.
  3. OPTIONALLY: Temporarily run as an Administrator account, if possible... (this worked for me)
  4. OPTIONALLY: Run Disk Utility and fix permissions on your disk.
  5. OPTIONALLY: Reboot.
  6. Run the updater software directly from your desktop. It should work.
You can skip over the steps 3, 4, and 5 if you want to try your luck, but if it doesn't work, try it again doing those optional steps.